The Day That Turns Your Life Around

admin  —  June 6, 2015

The Day That Turns Your Life Around


Jim Rohn the day that turns your life around

Have you ever had a day like that?  Something happens!!   And at that moment you make a decision to do something drastic to turn your life around. I can remember a lot of moments throughout my life like this.

If you haven’t then that is okay too it is never too late to decide to turn your life around . Some of my biggest decisions where made on a whim because of one thing I had found out.  Or just one thing that really annoyed me .

1. When I was 15 I remember being insulted on two occasions by my parents about my weight one of them was the final straw.  I lost 5 stone in 6 months and kept my weight down for about 7 or 8 years after that until I got a driving job, and it began to creep back on.

2. The day I went to a seminar in Dublin and a man we met there told me aspartame was poison and made with the feces of bacteria.  That was the last day I ever drank diet coke or had sugar free chewing gum.

3. The time my dad died and I made the decision to start educating myself about health and nutrition and toxic pharmaceuticals and the huge scam behind it all.

4. The day I got fired from my job for being two hours late after asking permission to book our wedding day.  That was the day I decided I would never ever be an employee again, no matter what.

5. The day I decided to invest in Property and started fixing up and renting and flipping properties.  Which made me a lot of money and bought me a nice lifestyle and lots of luxuries along the way.


6. Three seminars that beyond a shadow of  made me decide to become a Internet and Affiliate Marketer and never look back till this day. 🙂

7. Seeing my two year old son and deciding that I was going to be there to watch him grow up.  Not at a job like other parents half of his life.

8. The day My Mercedes went on fire and burnt out in front of me. That was the day I made the decision to go to New York no matter what.  And from that 4 month trip I met my future wife there completely unexpectedly.

9. Some of the amazing friends, mentors and health and wellness experts I have met. A lot of them while at different seminars and events around the world or online.


What has changed your life for the better? I would love to hear your comments Please share them below in the comments area..


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