15 Reasons To Say Goodbye To Your 9 To 5 Job

admin  —  October 25, 2016


When it comes to working a 9 to 5 Job. Lots of people think it is completely normal, and they have been programmed since birth to think that having a job is their responsibility.  But today I want to give you some reasons why you really should say goodbye to that nine to five job today.


1. When you are in a job working for someone else you are giving someone else control over your time in exchange for a salary.

2. Working a 9 To 5 Job means you do not have the opportunity to see your family in many cases for up to 5 or 6 days a week.

3. The majority of people working a 9 to 5 Job are employees as an employee you will pay more in tax than any other entities or business owners.



4. By leaving your 9 to 5 job you are giving yourself the opportunity to create passive income streams that can make you money while you do the things you want to do.


5. When you leave a 9 to 5 Job eventually you will get rid of that fear-based mentality that expects a weekly paycheck.


6. When you look for opportunities or anything for that matter things present themselves.  You will find this once you make the decision to start a business, new opportunities that you didn’t see before will appear before you sometimes in the most unexpected places.


7. By leaving your 9 to 5 job you are taking complete responsibility for your financial future instead of following the 40-year job security plan that so many people fall for.



8.  Having a business that you enjoy means that you won’t feel the need to clock watch every day in fact in my own case I rarely know the time of day or even the day of the week except for the other social programming tool school. (Yes on schooldays I take my kids to school and pick them up from school because I choose too.) 


9. Every day can be a choice when you run your own business. You can decide what you are going to do. And where you want to be without worrying about getting fired, threatened, or coming back to disciplinary lectures it’s all up to you.


10. If you choose the right kind of business that generates a passive income online you can go away for a 3 month holiday without any worries all you need is an Internet connection and a laptop computer or an IPAD or Tablet! Try doing that when you work as an employee on a regular basis and you may find yourself broke and unemployed with some shitty references for your next employer.?


11. More Excitement- Yes it is a lot more likely you will get excited about your business or results especially when you and or your family are the ones who gain to benefit from it.  Let’s face it if you are working for a big corporation and their profits go up by ten million dollars.  It won’t benefit you much unless of course, you are the business owner or CEO who runs the corporation.


12. Get rid of the Sunday Blues- Why would you get the blues on Sunday when you don’t have a job?  Well, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to work that one out do you?



13. Building A Dream Team – Okay let’s face it when you go into a job you don’t exactly have a choice what people you will be surrounded by unless you are the senior manager and hire and fire staff members. As a business owner you have the choice to hire and fire your own employees or business partners so you not only have the choice to like what you do.  But you can also be the one to choose your dream team.


14. Lose the regrets – How many people have worked as an employee all their lives and get a pen or a certificate at the end of it before being dumped onto a meager pension and being left to die broke and full of regrets? By choosing your own path and taking responsibility for your own business empire, you can build a dream life that many others will only dream of. It all comes down to making the decision and taking the necessary actions needed to create the change you desire.


15. Living The Dream –  When you make that what may seem like a scary decision to turn your back on the life of being an employee.  Now you will have the opportunity to start building your own dreams, the only thing that can hold you back is your own negative beliefs or lack of taking action. The thing is if you have a strong enough desire to achieve a certain financial status or lifestyle then you can do it. Just decide to take action and it will be yours…



Click Here For More Words Of Wisdom 


15 Reasons To Say Goodbye To Your 9 To 5 Job

Work With Sotiris

