How To Drive Website Traffic Using Instagram

admin  —  June 26, 2015

How To Drive Website Traffic Using Instagram


When it comes to making money online there are a few details that make all the difference when it comes to making money on your website or blog.  Of course high up on the list of importance is getting targeted traffic to your website. Yes you want visitors who are actually interested in what you are  doing 😉 .

Now the cool thing about Instagram is firstly it is a very hot up and coming Social Network why else would Facebook have bought it eh.  I took  a while before actually checking it out properly but once I did I realised it was a great way to get targeted traffic the way Twitter was 5 or 6 years ago.  The first thing of course is you want to identify who your target prospects or customers are. 



What are they interested in?

How can you create good informative content for them?

What will they need to buy now or in the future?

Can you help give them what they are looking for and get paid in the process?


Let’s say for example you are an up and coming personal development guru and you are looking for people who are interested in personal development trainings, courses or seminars. There are different ways you could of course attract the right people to you. 

For example you might post positive quotes about success or personal development on your Instagram.  This would definitely work but may take you a while.


Or you could just go straight to one of the personal development guru’s Instagram accounts and follow their subscribers or followers, some people you might follow would be Tony Robbins, T Harv Ecker, Randy Gage Etc.  Yes you just do a search for that persons name then click on there account and you can see their subscribers or followers depending which social network you are on.  Then it is just a matter of clicking on the subscribe or follow button on their followers.  Unfortunately there is an hourly limit that you can follow on Instagram, but if you do it religiously over a long period of time you could end up with tens or even hundreds of thousands of subscribers or followers too. 

The thing is when you follow anyone on Instagram they will get a notification you have subscribed to them, many people approximately around 30% of those people will then follow you back or subscribe to you too.  This means whenever you post on Instagram they will be able to see your pictures too. The other thing you can do is whenever you see someone following or subscribing to your Instagram account.  You could send them a thank you picture saying thank you for subscribing to me on Instagram here is a Free video or free gift I would like to send  go to now to get xxxxxxx 100% FREE.  Something like that this in turn will send loads of free targeted visitors directly to your website or capture page, depending on where you are wanting to drive the traffic too. 


 Instagram Marketing TIP 1

There is also a tool called crowdfire and it will tell you which Instagram followers are not following you back so you can unfollow them.  It is also available as an app for your Iphone or Android phone so you can do it from anywhere even when you are on the move.  


Instagram Marketing TIP 2


You can make really cool pictures with quotes or anything else you like for free at Canva.Com and upload them to Instagram 🙂 


Instagram Marketing Tip 3

If you have no idea what picture people will like go to Pinterest.Com and look at the most shared pins/pictures if they are not copyright then you can upload them to Instagram.  That way you already know that people are liking and sharing the pictures already. 🙂


I hope you found these Instagram Marketing Tips Useful. 


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How To Drive Website Traffic Using Instagram

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