9 Social Networks You Can Use To Boost Your Traffic
Today’s article will be short and sweet and to the point 🙂
When it comes to making money online it is important to get lots of eyes on your content, capture leads which if done correctly should lead to sales or income.
Where better to find lots of targeted traffic that will be interested in your products and possibly services than in the social networks.
Now obviously everyone is teaching marketing on Facebook and Twitter but in today’s post, I wanted to add in some other Social Networks as well that are also good.
1. Let’s start at No1 with the big guns yes any business that is online should also be marketing and have a presence on Facebook.
Some things you should have or possibly consider are creating some groups that are similar to the customers or readers you are looking for.
Also, make sure you create at least one Facebook page for your business as well and if you also are the face of your online business make sure you have a profile as well and possibly a Facebook page with your name too.
2. Twitter – I hear a lot of people say that they do not get or understand Twitter but the fact is I have generated lots of sales from Twitter over a period of time I grew my following on Twitter and would definitely recommend you add it to your portfolio of Social Networks.
3. You Tube – Although it can be very volatile and accounts can get deleted for very little reason, YouTube is an amazing way to drive traffic to your business or website. Â Of course, I teach members of my team some advanced strategies for keeping your content safe, especially on YouTube. Ignoring the traffic and exposure you can get from YouTube would not be a good idea so make sure you put some YouTube videos out there and make sure you put a link back to your business in the description. Â That way you can get lots of free traffic from your videos plus with a little luck, you could also rank in the second biggest search engine as well.
4. Linked IN – Although Linked in isn’t one of my favorite social networks most of the people there are running businesses and tend to have a higher income than the average income on other social networks. SO if you are looking for decision-makers or people with a lot of Klout or money to spend then Linked In may be for you.
5. Pinterest – Although there have been talks recently about Pinterest removing all the links from pictures there. Â The fact of the matter is it still gets a crazy amount of traffic and even if they remove the links there is nothing to stop you adding a URL to your website on all the pictures you post on Pinterest.
6. Instagram -This is the big one a lot of people have been talking about lately. In fact, there are lots of trainings online about how to generate traffic leads and sales to your business using Instagram. Â I have my son follow 200 people a day on my Instagram account and then I just message the ones who follow me back. Then my son unfollows the ones who haven’t followed me back within 7 days.
7. TSU – This Social Network is like an earlier version of Facebook the posting sharing and commenting works the same way and you have a timeline just like on Facebook.  The difference between TSU and Facebook is that TSU will pay you for sharing other people’s posts even if it is a small amount it can still add up to an extra few hundred dollars at the end of the year.  The other thing is I think they go a little easier on people making a lot of friend requests and all your friends actually get to see your posts.  Instead of the paltry 6% that FB shows your stuff to some of your friends and fans. So you can get a lot more views with a lot fewer friends. 🙂
8. IBO – This is another great resource for networking again has a few similarities with Facebook though I have found I have been able to add loads of associates without ever getting blocked, suspended or any written warnings.  There is a lot more interaction once again as all your associates can actually see your posts.  They also allow  you daily credits which you can use to buy Banner advertising on the website. This can also help you get extra eyes and customers to your website or online business.
It also has a video sharing network and a Micro-Blogging Job Network kind of similar to Fiverr.
9. Quora – This is a website where people go to ask various questions it is a great way to find people looking to start an online business you just need to look at the questions and answer them well. Â And it gives you the opportunity to instantly be seen as an expert in your niche or business. Â Yes indeed this is another great way to get targeted visitors to your business.
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9 Social Networks You Can Use To Boost Your Traffic