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10 Ideas To Start An Online Business


Thinking about starting an online business and you do not know where to start?   Then in today’s article we will talk about some ideas for starting your own online business.

1. Local Product or Service Business – A local product or service based business can have lots of different alternatives.  In fact it could be an ordinary regular business and by using Blogging, Social Media and or also using Paid Advertising.  In fact the business could get a whole new lease of life including lots of new targeted customers,

You could also approach local businesses and offer to advertise the business online for a one off or monthly or annual fee.

You could also run a paid advertising campaign for the local business and charge them a commission on their advertising spend or return.

2. Worldwide Distribution Physical Product Business – You could set up your own distribution sales business selling products but the simpler way would be to sell your own physical products online using websites such as Ebay Or Amazon.

3. Worldwide Service Business – You can provide services online and advertise them via social media,paid advertising,videos or your website or blog or you could offer your services via sites like Elance.Com or using micro sites like Fiverr.Com. You could offer services like writing translating, blog posting,editing etc..

4. Digital Products – Digital Products including Ebooks,Videos and Software are now very popular the other great thing about digital products is they cost you nothing to produce apart from some time and energy in the beginning.  The other great thing about digital products is you do not have to be the one who makes them to sell them, you can sell products and software belonging to other companies as well. In fact in one of the companies I am in I have already sold over $50,000 in products so far. 


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5. Outsourcing Business – With an outsourcing business you can find employees to do work for you and charge businesses a mark up and get a monthly commission.

The great thing about the internet is you can employ people from anywhere in the world to work for you.  You can get some very well qualified workers from India or the Philippines who are more than happy to work full time for a few hundred dollars a month.  You can outsource people from websites like or from websites like EasyOutsource.Com 

One idea could be to create a website or outsource the creation of a website for a local business so if you can get the work done for $200 you could quote a local business $400 for a website and you keep the difference.  You could also outsource social media campaigns virtual assistants graphic design, software development and much more.

The great thing is you don’t need to do all the work but you get to keep the profit. 🙂 


6. Blog Or Website – A blog or website is your home on the internet. In fact when I hear of businesses who do not have their own blog or website on the Internet in 2015 I cringe at the thought of it. 

Whether you like it or not more people now than ever check out your business online before buying or when looking for products and services. And if your business is not there then someone else will get your money, it’s as simple as that.   A few years ago getting someone to make you a website might have cost you a small fortune but now with WA you can get your own blog/website which comes with free training. You also get superfast hosting for 25 websites for only $47 a month,Just follow the step by step trainings and easy systems and  write a little content about your business or outsource it to someone else to do for you. 

Click Here To Get Your First Website Free


7. Affiliate Marketing Business – When it comes to affiliate marketing the options are huge, there are thousands of different companies and services online you can promote.  Anything from Clickbank JV Zoo, Commission Junction PayDotCom.Com they all offer affiliate products and services for many niches including businesses, computers, software, health and fitness products, weightloss,gaming , Animal Training ,  Dating and much more.

You can also be an amazon affiliate and sell other peoples books and products on your website.   The only disadvantage with Amazon is the commissions are very low unless of course you are selling your own products there. 

There are various ways to market the offers from paid advertising on Twitter, Facebook, You Tube, Bing to Media Buying and Banner advertising on high traffic targeted websites.  Of course you can also do free promotion methods which take some time like forum posting, social media posts, blogging and doing videos and reviews. 


8. Coaching Services – If you have been marketing online for a while and have been making money online then why not teach others what you do?  You can also get paid for it in the process. There is no quicker way to make money online than to follow a formula of someone who is already creating success online.   Seriously, if you think going to college or university and doing a marketing exam is the fast way to making money online then you are in trouble.

Follow the formula of someone who makes money online therefore does not need a job in a college or university.  The problem with this world is that there are so many inexperienced but qualified (Yeah A Certificate Or Piece Of Paper Which Means Nothing) people who never made a penny teaching other teachers who never made a penny marketing how to market..   It’s kinda like a bird asking a whale for flying lessons without ever questioning it.  It sounds kind of mad but it’s what happens every day around the world.


9. Events Business – An online events business can be a lot of work but if the right people are targeted and it is marketed properly it can be very lucrative.   Find some people who are experienced to teach something bring an audience who want to learn that subject give some great free content and then offer an upsell at the end of each speakers talk. Many people will spend many thousands of dollars to learn the skills needed to run their business successfully. 


10 Online Training Business – What do you know about that people will pay to learn?  There is a multitude of things out there anything from Yoga, Dog training, How to be a fireman, How to be a Police Officer, Advanced Blogging Strategies, How to Do Paid advertising, How to setup your own restaurant.  Yes in fact this list could go on forever but I think you get my drift. 


At the moment I have two very lucrative business opportunities for you!



How To Make Money From People Shopping


How To Make Money From Your Own Blog (English)





10 Ideas To Start An Online Business

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