Are You A Slave To The System?

admin  —  May 12, 2015

Are You A Slave To The System? And if so what can you do about it?


In the hamster wheel of job security sometimes it is difficult to see that you may be the hamster.  Now even if this may sound a little exaggerated the truth is that every morning billions of people get up and rush out the door.  Often to a job they hate just because of the way they have been programmed.

Children get abandoned for the morning with strangers or sent off to an institution where they get herded together like a flock of sheep and brainwashed by government employees. Hardly the ideal way to create a free thinking conscious human beings. From a young age there is so much programming especially at a subconcious level.  Parents go off to a job and the kids are told this is the way it has to be, if you look back on where the human race came from they certainly did not get herded by the hundreds or thousands into a building.  And every child get taught the same gibberish as all the others, this is more like factory farming than parenting.

Let’s face it no matter what some people think, young children where not made to be herded into a group of 30 or 40 strangers, or in the case of being out in the playground more like 500 or more strange kids. I to this day remember the fear of thinking about the vaccines I was forced to have in school and the stress of being sent off to learn 6 or 7 hours a day. And then them having the cheek to give me multiple homeworks on top of that.  Let’s face it if you cannot educate kids in 6 or 7 hours a day you shouldn’t be doing it.

What is the real reason behind this mental and emotional torture?  They want machines who will work 14 hours a day. They need to believe that this is the way it has to be in order to do this, so they use the first 13 years of the kids childhood to indoctrinate them into their way of thinking.   I remember when I made the decision to never have a job again a few days later I took my kids to school.   And I just sat for 10 mins watching the people around me, they where rushing round like crazy for fear of being 5 mins late or not getting to their job on time after dumping their kids off for the day into the indoctrination. Seriously it was just like watching a herd of sheep being herded into their pen. Could you tell the difference?

Awareness is the key once you know what is going on around you then you can do certain things about it.  The crazy thing is most indoctrinated people are only aware of the tasks they have been programmed to accomplish for that day.  Nothing else their life is such that a lot of them do not even give themselves the time to think!!

What is the typical day in our indoctrinated world?


Monday Morning


7AM Get up get the kids up make breakfast and packed lunches get them ready for school

8AM Drive Them To School

9AM Till 5PM Go To Work to make a big corporation rich while pretending to look busy and following company policy

3PM Babysitter Picks Up Kids From School

5.30 PM Go to ATM or bank to get money out to pay babysitter for looking after kids while you work

6.00 PM Pick up the kids from the babysitter

6.30 PM Go to shop to get some bread and groceries you ran out of

7.PM – 8PM Cook The dinner

8PM – 9PM Clean The Dishes

9PM – 11PM Help the kids with all their homeworks. If it’s A grammar school it maybe 5 homeworks in one night.

11PM Bedtime try to read a book before passing out and getting to do it all over again in the morning.




7AM Get up get the kids up make breakfast and packed lunches get them ready for school

8AM Drive Them To School

9AM Till 5PM Go To Work to make a big corporation rich while pretending to look busy and following company policy

3PM Babysitter Picks Up Kids From School

5.30 PM Go to ATM or bank to get money out to pay babysitter for looking after kids while you work

6.00 PM Pick up the kids from the babysitter

6.30 PM Go to shop to get some bread and groceries you ran out of

7.PM – 8PM Cook The dinner

8PM – 9PM Clean The Dishes

9PM – 11PM Help the kids with all their homeworks. If it’s A grammar school it maybe 5 homeworks in one night.

11PM Bedtime try to read a book before passing out and getting to do it all over again in the morning.




7AM Get up get the kids up make breakfast and packed lunches get them ready for school

8AM Drive Them To School

9AM Till 5PM Go To Work to make a big corporation rich while pretending to look busy and following company policy

3PM Babysitter Picks Up Kids From School

5.30 PM Go to ATM or bank to get money out to pay babysitter for looking after kids while you work

6.00 PM Pick up the kids from the babysitter

6.30 PM Go to shop to get some bread and groceries you ran out of

7.PM – 8PM Cook The dinner

8PM – 9PM Clean The Dishes

9PM – 11PM Help the kids with all their homeworks. If it’s A grammar school it maybe 5 homeworks in one night.

11PM Bedtime try to read a book before passing out and getting to do it all over again in the morning.




7AM Get up get the kids up make breakfast and packed lunches get them ready for school

8AM Drive Them To School

9AM Till 5PM Go To Work to make a big corporation rich while pretending to look busy and following company policy

3PM Babysitter Picks Up Kids From School

5.30 PM Go to ATM or bank to get money out to pay babysitter for looking after kids while you work

6.00 PM Pick up the kids from the babysitter

6.30 PM Go to shop to get some bread and groceries you ran out of

7.PM – 8PM Cook The dinner

8PM – 9PM Clean The Dishes

9PM – 11PM Help the kids with all their homeworks. If it’s A grammar school it maybe 5 homeworks in one night.

11PM Bedtime try to read a book before passing out and getting to do it all over again in the morning.




7AM Get up get the kids up make breakfast and packed lunches get them ready for school

8AM Drive Them To School

9AM Till 5PM Go To Work to make a big corporation rich while pretending to look busy and following company policy

3PM Babysitter Picks Up Kids From School

5.30 PM Go to ATM or bank to get money out to pay babysitter for looking after kids while you work

6.00 PM Pick up the kids from the babysitter

6.30 PM Go to shop to get some bread and groceries you ran out of

7.PM – 8PM Cook The dinner

8PM – 9PM Clean The Dishes

9PM – 11PM Help the kids with all their homeworks. If it’s A grammar school it maybe 5 homeworks in one night.

11PM Bedtime try to read a book before passing out and getting to do it all over again in the morning.




8am Get Up Because it is nearly impossible to lie in after getting up at 7am all week. 


8.15AM Check your e-mail and messages

8.30AM Kids wake up and start demanding breakfast

9.00Am Make breakfast

10.00Am Clear up kitchen after breakfast


10.30AM Kids start complaining about being bored

11.00AM Break Up Fight Over Who’s Go It Is First On The XBOX.

12.00 AM Go shopping after A 30 min row because no one else wants to go to the shop

1.PM Go to shop meet herd of sheep at the door run around trying to shop and dodge grannies blocking aisles with shopping trolleys.

1.30 – 2.PM  Stand in Queue of 20 people for half an hour waiting to pay for your stuff.

2PM Start Making Lunch

3PM Lunch Is Served the feeding frenzy begins.

3.30PM- 4.00PM Start tidying up for an hour after mad feeding frenzy

5PM Watch TV possibly some murder drama to make you feel your life is good, you are safe arent you? Apart from the vaccinations, GMO Foods, Chemtrails,Mercury Amalgam Fillings, Fluoride in your water ETC.  Or you  Get Ready For The Pub Or Club To Try To forget about the shitty week you have had before it’s time to do it all over again.

6PM You make the dinner Or Granny arrives to babysit and makes it while you go to the pub to drown your sorrows.

7PM -11pm or 1AM You arrive at destination Pub, Club Or Restaurant and drink as much as possible before last orders at 11PM to try and forget about the week you have had.

11PM or 1AM  You visit the local kebab shop and try to remember how you got there and sober up before your mother or kids see you.



10AM You wake up to the children screaming with a thumping headache

10.30 AM You make breakfast before downing a pint of water and if you are a pill pusher a few headache tablets or aspirin. 

11AM You remember all the stuff you have to prepare for the Sunday dinner and start peeling vegetables and potatoes for the next two hours

1AM You put on the potatoes vegetables and the Sunday Roast and babysit them for an hour or so.

At Your Usual Time – If you are a bible thumper don’t forget to add in your church time in between, and don’t forget the money in case the church falls down around you without your weekly gift. 

2- 3PM  Sunday dinner is served and the pack of hungry monsters get fed before looking for dessert. 

3-5PM If you manage to find time between Church and the Sunday cooking marathon you might go out for a two hour drive as Today is the only day you are free to do it. 

5PM Preparation meets Success, It’s dinner time at the Zoo again time to start cookin again. 

6PM  Tea is served the hungry animals are once again satisfied.. 

7PM Freedom time at last put your feet up for an hour whew paradise. 

8PM – 10PM Homeworks To Do/ Showers/ Clothes to find/ Bags to get ready/ 

10PM to 11Pm Do your online banking make sure you have paid everything that needs to be paid and the bank haven’t ripped you off again this week

11PM Read your Tony Robbins book about life mastery while thinking that will be the day… 

Midnight Dream about all the stuff you did this week in preparation for next week

DEJA VU  – Do It All Over Again



 What could or should your life really be like?


Firstly forget the clock you don’t really need it the other day I went to the phone shop to get a new Iphone and the guy asked me to write the date down How or why the heck would I need to know the date or the time.  LOL

Remember if you need the clock it is normally to fit in with other sheep who operate on a 9 to 5 or 9 to 9 basis.


You wake up at 10am bright and refreshed you come down the winding staircase of your beautiful mansion overlooking lush green gardens. The housekeeper asks you what you would like for breakfast the kids have already had breakfast and are out playing in the garden. You order a mixed berry smoothie and sit outside in the parasol swinging chair in the garden and open up your Macbook Air. 


You check how many sales you have made during the evening it was another good night you made 10 $3000 sales last night while you where sleeping.

You check your emails from your Filipino Virtual Assistants they have sent their reports of when and where  and how they have been marketing your products and services throughout the evening while you were sleeping. 

You have to check the time to see how long it is till your new custom made Bentley Limousine arrives.  It was scheduled for 1PM 


You say to the kids let’s head off for a tour around Europe and you tell the housekeepers to help the kids get their things packed.   

It’s time to go online and check the time of the next ferry to Netherlands and book the tickets..


The kids sit in the back of the limousine and do their online education tutoring via the wireless internet as you drive to the ferry or your chauffeur drives you. 

The phone rings and granny says she wants to come along so you update the tickets before checking you have got all the latest gadgets that you will need before leaving the country. 


You stop off for a few days in Holland, A few days in Belgium,Luxembourg,Germany And a week in Switzerland staying in a beautiful hotel by a lake looking over the Swiss Alps.  Before heading to Italy and hopping onto the Superfast Ferry to Patras in Greece.  

Spend three days in a hotel overlooking the Acropolis in Athens before going island hopping on the Greek Islands.


Then you finally end up in your oceanside villa in Santorini up the side of the mountain overlooking the sea.  No need for a TV because you are living the life of your dreams.


Which one do you deserve and what are you going to do about it starting today?


If you are sick of living a mediocre life you need to stop working for other people and start a business that you can use to fulfil the dreams of you and your  family. 

Your own blog gives you the platform to run your own business from anywhere in the world.  But of course it is up to you whether you are happy to go through your life living at or below mediocrity. 


Or whether you are ready to do something starting right now to change that..


The Choice Is Yours My Friend


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Are You A Slave To The System?

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